Sunday 17 March 2013

My First Haircut

Of course, we all want sweet pictures like this one when baby visits the salon for the first time!  The truth is, it's not always that easy.  So, from our stylists, some tips to make that first snip easier on both of you!

DO bring your child into the salon before the first cut.  Ask one of the stylists to talk to them, maybe sit them in the chair with a cape.  This gets the child used to the sights and sounds of a salon before the big day.  
DO have realistic expectations.  Children are squirmy, and while your stylist will do the best she can, sometimes that neckline will be a bit crooked if it's a matter of safety.
DO bring another shirt for your child.  When they move around, little hairs sometimes sneak down under the cape (and some children just won't wear one!) and get itchy.
DO let the salon know that this will be the first cut.  They can place your child with a stylist who works well with them, and make sure to save you a snip of hair for the baby book.
DO book during a slower time of day.  Sometimes other staff can be there to help if needed.
DO bring a distraction for your child.  Bubbles, a favourite toy, or a small video player are great.  But...

DON'T bring food!  Hair sticks to everything (trust us, we know!) and you'll end up with a sticky, hair-covered, uncomfortable baby.
DON'T hover.  Stay for the first snip and a few pictures, but many children are more relaxed with Mommy and Daddy out of sight.
DON'T bring siblings.  They are often more of a distraction for your child, and salons are dangerous places if you can't give a child your full attention.
DON'T force it.  If your child is having a full-blown panic attack, reschedule the appointment.  Stylists would rather have the cancellation than the safety risk.  You want this to be a positive experience, not a negative one.


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